Dne 18. strpna 2018 proběhla v pražských Strašnicích série přednášek americké psychoanalytičky Marie T. Hoffman, kterou doprovázel její manžel a kolega Lowell Hoffman. Přednášky si můžete poslechnout zde. Audio je doplněno o prezentace, které se promítaly během přednášek.
Marie T. Hoffman, Ph.D
Marie T. Hoffman is a psychoanalyst practitioning at The Brookheaven Center and the director of Brookheaven Institute for Psychoanalysis and Christian Theology (BIPACT). She is a graduate of and Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology (Adjunct) at the New York University Post-Doctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy and co-founder of the Society for Exploration of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies and Theology (SEPTT). She also often serves as adjunct faculty at Rosemead School of Psychology and Fuller Seminary School of Psychology. She is the author of Toward Mutual Recognition, When the Roll is Called and numerous chapters and articles in professional psychological publications.
Hidden Christian Influences in Psychoanalysis
1. přednáška
Toward Mutual Recognition
2. přednáška